Last update February 7, 2021


Your privacy is important.

File Data

Audiobook files are stored locally and optionally in iCloud Files when imported into On Tape.


Audiobook metadata including title, author, artwork are pulled from imported audio files and saved along with state and subscription data in the local database. This data is also saved in a private iCloud database (even when iCloud File Sync is disabled).


When you sign up for On Tape Unlimited your name, billing information and address are maintained by the App Store. I do not have (or want) access to that information. The data that is used by On Tape and shared with my purchase provider (RevenueCat) is anonymous data related to the subscription (including validity, term, expiration). RevenueCat helps determine whether or not a On Tape user is subscribed to On Tape Unlimited or not based on this data. RevenueCat also does not receive the personal information maintained by the App Store.

You can review the full RevenueCat privacy policy here.

Personally-Identifying Information

On Tape does not gather or transmit any Personally-Identifying Information outside of your local device.

Business Transfers

If On Tape, or substantially all of its assets, were acquired, or in the unlikely event that On Tape goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, this policy and its effects may change or be amended. (As On Tape does not collect any information about you there is very little effect this would likely have in practice.)

Privacy Policy Changes

Although most changes are likely to be minor, On Tape may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and at On Tape’s sole discretion. Your continued use of this app after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.